Hatches, matches and despatches: Matt Lombard
The Hall Electrical team turned out en masse for the recent wedding of one of its electricians, Matt Lombard. Matt married his partner, Toni-Anne Dowie, in a tear-shedding ceremony at one of Matakana’s finest vineyards.
The pair met at a farewell function for a friend of a friend, and once cupid’s arrow struck they set up house together in Papatoetoe, just a stone’s throw from where Toni-Anne works as an early childhood teacher.
There was no immediate honeymoon for the newly married pair, Matt says that will have to wait until the end of the year. And the honeymoon destination? “I haven’t been told yet.”
Down but definitely not out: Larissa Mutton
It says something about a staff member’s dedication if they break their arm, yet still show up for work the next day.
But that’s exactly what Hall Electrical’s company accountant, Larissa Mutton, did when she managed to break both forearm bones and her elbow while warming up for her regular roller skating routine one recent Sunday afternoon. Hoping it wasn’t serious but in intense pain, Larissa managed to drive herself to A&E.
Working with a cast on the arm you use for everything from brushing your teeth to signing your name can be somewhat awkward, but fortunately Larissa is ambidextrous, so work is continuing as per normal.
Any injury requires follow-up medical appointments, which can be rather time-consuming affairs under our health system, but even though she needed surgery, in all Larissa took only two days off work. This greatly pleased boss, Phil Hall, as he has relied on Larissa for 12 years to ensure accounts are dealt with on time.
Still on the mend, Larissa is hoping to get her skates strapped back on very soon so she can keep her place in her precision skating team.
New team member: Jeremy Williams
Business is expanding rapidly at Hall Electrical and we found we needed the services of an additional electrician. Jeremy Williams has joined our team of top-rate, highly qualified sparkies, working with both our residential and commercial clients.
However, a word of caution – if you hear him surreptitiously making noises like an aircraft engine, our advice is just ignore him. Before joining us he was working as a flying instructor out at Ardmore as he just loves to fly. But he was also a boxer for eight years and now does Brazilian jujitsu, so it pays to stay on his good side!
We’re kidding, he’s really a lovely bloke and we’re pleased he’s joined us. He hasn’t been with us long but has been doing great work for one of our clients who produces steel roll forming products.