An Independent Qualified Person (IQP) is required by commercial building owners or managers to adhere to a buildings compliance schedule. An IQP carries out or supervises inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures on a specified system. IQPs must be registered with the appropriate local authority to carry out such work. Perhaps the most common ‘specified system’ of an electrical nature is the Emergency Lighting System. Hall Electrical have IQP registered and qualified electricians or technicians able to assist you to comply with your building warrant of fitness compliance schedule.
Electrical IQP Inspection
The Electrical IQP Inspection for emergency lighting systems covers testing or simulating the operation of emergency lighting during a power outage. This process ensures your building or premise is safe and compliant. The Building Compliance Schedule will state the specific frequency of regular emergency lighting checks. Often, regular non – IQP checks are required on a monthly basis and IQP checks are required annually.
IQP Maintenance
During the inspection process, tests and checks determine if any fittings are non-compliant. These fittings will need to be replaced. In some instances, we can immediately attend to corrective maintenance issues while on-site. Given either time and/or part supply constraints we will arrange a return visit to complete.
IQP Reporting
A significant part of the compliance responsibility for building tenants and/or owners is the recording and reporting requirements. Each monthly test/check results need to record in a log book to be kept on-site. The annual IQP inspection will require a 12A Form to be completed with respect to the Emergency Lighting System. This form, together with the other 12A Forms/Certificates for other building services listed in the compliance schedule, are part of the overall building warrant of fitness (Form 12).
Phone: 0800 422 973 (24/7)
Related Services:
- Office Fit Outs
- Emergency Lighting
- Scheduled Electrical Maintenance
- 12A FORM (upcoming page)
Related Blog Articles:
Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) Compliance (upcoming post)
Commercial Building Compliance Schedule (upcoming post)