Get an electrician to install electrical power points, wall sockets and power outlets
Regardless of what you call them (power points, sockets or outlets), with a few extra well placed power points around your home you can greatly reduce clutter and improve convenience. We often find people considering installing extra power points in their home broadly fit into one of two groups;
1) “I know exactly what I want”
Many people have a clear idea of what they want when they contact us regarding installing extra points. For example someone may wish to…
- Reduce clutter in the home by installing one or two extra power points to remove an annoying and dangerous extension cord.
- Reduce risk by replacing a single power point which has many electrical devices using a multi-plug with double adaptors, with two or more double power points.
- Increasing convenience in a room by installing another double power point in the kitchen, or perhaps a double power point either side of the bed.

2) “I’m building or renovating and have some ideals, but I’m open to finding the best solution”
When presented with new home building or renovation project you are faced with a world of choice and decisions to make. Sometimes it can be extremely useful to have the helpful advice and ideas of a professional. The last thing you would want to happen would be to complete the project and say “oh, I wish we had an extra power installed here”.
This is where an onsite evaluation from an experienced electrician will often be the best way to state your requirements, share your ideas and get a few more inside tips from an electrical professional.
Power Point Options
- Colour; typically sockets come in white, grey/silver, or black
- Quantity; single, double or quad
- Orientation of Double; vertical or horizontal
Where do I start?
The best thing to do is talk to us.
For small jobs you just want done we can send someone to complete at a time that works for you.
For larger more complex jobs we will provide you with a quote by actually coming to your home or property and assess the situation and getting to know what your vision is.