The Electrical Contractors Association of New Zealand (ECANZ) has announced the finalists of the 2013 ECANZ Excellence Awards. Hall Electrical is proud to celebrate becoming a finalist in the Lighting Category. Congratulations to the Hall Electrical team!
Judging was completed in June with the finalists announced shortly afterwards. The finalists will attend an awards dinner held at the Langham Hotel in Auckland on Friday 23rd of August. The winners will be announced at the awards dinner. Not only is it wonderful for the Hall Electrical team to be recognised, it’s also exciting for our clients.
Electrical Excellence with a Residential Electrical Project
In contrast to the other finalists, Hall Electrical entered a residential home in the awards. Most of the other 17 finalists (3 finalists for each of the 6 categories) have entered work based on commercial projects. The home we entered utilises a number of interesting design elements that set it apart from standard homes. To view more details about the Karaka Homestead