Does your house need rewiring?
Many houses in and around Auckland are now well over half a century old. While that gives them character and a certain sense of style, it also makes them potentially hazardous to live in.
You may not be aware that many houses built in the 1940s and 1950s were wired with vulcanised industrial rubber, or VIR. Naturally, over time, the rubber breaks down. This causes the insulation to then become brittle and fall off, which can expose the house to a possible electrical wiring fire.
For some time owners of older homes have been warned by the relevant authorities to replace this old wiring, if their home still had it. Many people have heeded the warning, but there are still many houses which retain the original wiring and are therefore dangerous. Is yours among them?
If your property has been purchased in recent years, you may be blissfully unaware of the state of your electrical wiring. It may, of course, have been upgraded to modern TPS (tough plastic sheath cable), which is extremely long lasting. But, again, it may not.
The smart thing to do is check. If safety is not sufficient reason to have your wiring looked at, here’s another: Many insurance companies are now refusing to renew their cover on houses which have not been rewired. That alone tells you how serious the issue is.
However, the solution is not difficult. Give Hall Electrical a call and we’ll come and check out your wiring. We will even provide a full report on the state of your electrical wiring for your insurance company.
If we find that your house does need rewiring, we will give you a free quote that details all the necessary work and how much it is likely to cost.
If you decide to rewire your house, it usually takes two to three days. But here’s the good news: we won’t leave you without lights or power during that time. Plus your fridge and freezer will be quite safe while the power is off. We’ll make absolutely sure of it.